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Super Garden Foods

Published in the Toronto Star, March 26th 2016 Of all the newsletters that I receive David Cohlmeyer produces one of the best.  He bills himself as a ‘Sustainable Good Foods Consultant’ [not be to confused with the bad foods variety]. In a recent publication David talks about the micro biome in our gut, where billions…


An Allium Experiment

Usually, I buy my alliums as bulbs or plants that are all ready to go into the ground. This year, I’m going to try planting the seeds.


Garden Nemeses

Let’s learn about a few and methods you can use to prevent, deter, or remove pests from the garden.


Be Patient

I receive hundreds of questions each spring on the topic and my response is always the same: no impatiens this year. Fortunately, there are numerous other plants that will work as a stand-in option.


Hardening Off

The process of hardening off is fairly simple. The reason behind it, though, is something you should understand.


Your Guide To Good Germination

Here are my top three tips for getting your seedlings off to a good start. These early days are important for the growth and development of your plants later on.


Learning from Last Year

It’s time to start thinking about your vegetable garden. If you want to order seeds online and start them yourself indoors, you need to start planning now.


Soil: Where Food Begins

Welcome to the International Year of Soils. If this comes as a surprise to you, no worries, you are not alone. It seems that most of us are keenly unaware of the value of our dirt (the good stuff) and I am here to help change that.


Tried and True Poinsettias

I’m hoping that by the end of today’s column, you will have a deeper appreciation for the one ‘living’ item that may be on your list this season and one of the few gifts that does not require batteries – poinsettias


Protecting Your Garden Investment

My list may provide the perfect excuse to get outside and enjoy the fresh late autumn air (yes it IS autumn still). In any case, you will ignore my suggestions at your own expense as I am just trying to help save your investment in a great looking garden next year. As always, your interests are my primary interest.


Perennial Geraniums?

Anyone who has overwintered geraniums before will tell you that there are a few ways to go about it. I will touch upon two of my favourite methods.


News from the World of Science

When you are hoeing down weeds, trimming winter damaged shrubs, planting, mulching, digging and generally mucking about in the dirt, all kinds of things pass through your mind.


Gardening With Mark, April 2014

In This Issue:
Food Gardens
Pass On Principle
Pumps for Food
In Africa
Plant and Dream
Things To Do
Product of the Month
100 Red Poppies
Year of the Cucumber


Time to Wake the Garden Up

This is a list of things that you can do if you want to enjoy a great garden this season. It requires some ‘work’ on your part.


The Poppy is a Survivor

The poppy is a survivor and for that reason I think the flower is a fitting symbol for the fighting spirit of all those who fought for Canada in the Great War.


2014 is the Year of the Cucumber

Every year, National Garden Bureau names one edible, one annual and one perennial as featured crops for a year. 2014 is the Year of the Cucumber.
